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For several years, the actor David Mora has been making the heyday of the television series Scenes from households on M6. With her acting partner, Anne-Élisabeth Blateau, they embody Fabien and Emma, ​​a couple as funny as they are endearing. Over the seasons, a friendship has been created between the two actors of the fiction.

“We became friends, it’s as if we finally had a life as a couple. We know each other by heart, and we always have fun. It’s always bars of laughter, whether between us or with the team that we have also known from the start”, he had declared to Femme Actuelle in December 2021 and added: “That’s what’s great, it’s that we always have so much fun after ten years. And the success of the series makes things even more exciting”.

Very close to his fans, David Mora is followed by nearly 50,000 subscribers on his Instagram account. A platform that allows him to both promote his professional projects while sharing moments of life with his fans. In addition to the Household Scenes series, the 40-year-old actor has also been seen in several other television dramas. In 2022, he starred in two TV movies: And gently rekindling the stars as well as Escape 2, alongside Lannick Gautry and Barbara Cabrita.

This January 5, 2023, the actor shared a video of him where he appears unrecognizable in his beard. This is an advertisement for a brand of aperitif biscuits that made its fans react. “Young and shaved beard, it’s weird”, “Much better without the beard” or even “The beard changes a man”, can we read in comments. Planet invites you to discover his photos throughout his career.