Hotel occupancy in Spain will fall by up to 8 although it will still be the first option
Hotel occupancy in Spain will fall by up to 8 although it will still be the first option

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In a season full of uncertainties, with the latent threat of flare-ups and a lower number of foreign visitors, domestic tourism becomes increasingly important. But, what will be the behavior of the national tourist? According to the “Changing Traveller Report”, prepared by the platform of hotel booking “SiteMinder”, over 90% of respondents said they plan to travel to before the end of 2021 and almost 50% have expressed that it will do so the next three months. All this, despite the fact that three out of every four travelers participating in the survey – 570 people in total – have been assured that they have been affected economically by the Covid-19.

But the way of travelling in Spain is somewhat different: half of the trips will be shorter and the occupancy of hotels or resorts could go back up to 8% although you will still be the first option. In particular, the large hotel chains and resorts are chosen by 37% of respondents followed very far away by the holiday apartments (22,5%), visits to relatives and friends (13.3%) and homes or private residences (12.3%).

At the time of opting for the accommodation the first concern, according to one of the main conclusions of the study, the Spanish tourists are very sensitive to the sanitary measures of the place of destination (34,91%) followed by the gratuitousness of the cancellation or modification of the reservation (32,81%) and the price (16,49%). Similarly, eight out of every ten participants in the report to ensure that you still are “thinking” or “planning your next vacation. Most of 73% reserved with less than a month in advance and the 82% of respondents say that they will maintain their prereservas. What could be a good number of confirmations.

with Regard to the way in which the Spanish made their reservations, the 54,39% have opted for agencies, travel online Booking, followed at a great distance of the searches in Google (14,21%) or the website of the establishment itself.

In the opinion of the director of SiteMinder for Spain, Sara Padrosa, the study would demonstrate that, despite all of what happened, “the spaniards are ready to help the sector of travel and tourism local” and has coincided with other voices of the tourism sector in the number of tourists from United Kingdom and Germany – large markets – will arrive in lesser numbers “this year and for some time”.