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Going on vacation during the summer period to enjoy your loved ones is one thing. It is still necessary to have a budget – sometimes substantial – to be able to take part. In fact, the months of July and August often turn out to be months when hoteliers and other transport companies do not hesitate to triple or even quadruple the prices of their services. Hence the interest of anticipating certain expenses and making sure to limit the costs when booking your stay.

To achieve this, there are several tricks. Starting with the fact of traveling during the week in order to pay less for your accommodation or your hotel. Indeed, when you go on a trip, you can pay your hotel much less by opting for a departure and a return during the week. Accommodation – even top-of-the-range accommodation – offers rates that are sometimes halved. And this only because you chose to leave on a Wednesday instead of a Saturday.

Of course, the ideal remains to travel outside school holidays to benefit from attractive rates. The periods of May and June as well as September and October are key times to leave at a lower cost. But if your summer holidays are imposed or you want to enjoy your loved ones during this summer period, do not hesitate to closely examine the rates offered by tour operators. Because, even during this period of high demand and therefore followed by price increases, the prices displayed can be significantly reduced. You can thus take advantage of top-of-the-range services in renowned establishments without having to pay outrageous amounts.

Greek islands, Croatia, the United States, the West Indies or even the south of France… In summer, betting on these destinations is anything but economical. If you want to go to destinations that are both luxurious and exotic without having to devote too large budgets, it may be appropriate to consider countries such as Romania, Poland, Slovakia, or even Slovenia.

This last destination offers an ideal setting carried by landscapes of mountains, lakes and the sea. It is a particularly wooded country and which turns out, icing on the cake, considered as a sustainable destination in terms of tourism. . You will find hotels with top-of-the-range services that have nothing to envy to other tourist places. Less high costs, even in the summer months.

Before automatically opting for the plane, do not hesitate to look at the prices offered by the railway companies. At the same price, you will often save a shuttle from the airport to the city center. Depending on the destination, the cost of this shuttle (which can take the form of a taxi or a bus) can be substantial. In summer, prices are, moreover, often higher.

Also, if the destination you have set your sights on is accessible by train, it may be wise to favor this mode of transport. You will arrive, most often, directly in the city center and will therefore save the sometimes expensive cost of a round trip by shuttle.

And if these various tips are not enough to limit the cost of your holidays, one of the most effective options is to exchange your house. Whichever destination you choose, you will save your accommodation budget. A strategy that can allow you to go to more exotic or more distant destinations and which will give you the possibility of reallocating the budget saved on accommodation to the organization of activities once there.

To do this, you can, for example, opt for platforms like HomeExchange. A saving that is welcome in the summer period.