Russia, the cigarette wants to announce the fight. By 2050, the number of smokers would drop to five per cent of the population, wrote the Russian media on Wednesday, citing a draft of the Ministry of health. 2016 would have seized 40 million Russians to the cigarette 40 percent of the population. The tobacco wants to reduce the government, therefore, through higher taxes. How expensive cigarettes are in future to be, was not told. Smoking in Russia is considerably cheaper than in Germany.

For several years, Smoking in Russian stadiums, schools, universities, hospitals, shops, Hotels, Restaurants, railway stations and playgrounds prohibited. If there are less Russians will resort to the cigarette, to fall, according to the health Ministry the cost for the treatment of sequelae, which are at the Moment. In addition, people could work more and would live longer, because they then lived to be healthier.