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On March 31, 2021, host Christine Bravo was Jordan de Luxe’s ​​guest on her show L’Instant de Luxe on Non Stop People. On this occasion, the star has agreed to confide in his father, who died tragically almost 10 years ago. A disappearance which she still has not mourned as she explained. “I don’t want to know the month or the year,” she said before recounting one of their last trips to Spain. “I handed him a packet that said ‘smoking makes you impotent’. He said, ‘No, no, give me the one that gives cancer,'” she recalled.

A disappearance that leaves him with a bitter taste since at the death of his father, his last wishes were not respected. This is also why she never goes to meditate on his grave. Indeed, her father wanted to be cremated in Toledo, his native land, and before his ashes were scattered in Auvergne “in the farm where he had been during the Resistance, after the concentration camps”, she said. . Instead, her 79-year-old father was buried. “I promised him, but there was nothing to do. They put him in a box and took him to a village,” she explained.

But the host wishes to remedy this as she told it. “I don’t see what he’s doing there (…) I’m going to unbolt him! (…) I’m going to go there and put it back in Auvergne (…) It seems there’s a plate, but I don’t care, I’m going to go do it and put it back in Auvergne! It seems that we don’t have the right, but you know, there is no writing ‘she only does this which is allowed'”.

After her first steps in 1988 on a TF1 television set, Christine Bravo celebrated her 30th birthday as a television host on the C8 channel. A special program entitled “La Télé de Bravo” was thus broadcast in his honor last Friday, at 9 p.m., retracing his television career from the beginning.

In its paper magazine, VSD revealed that Christine Bravo had been a disruptive student throughout her schooling, from 6th to 12th grade. She was also expelled every year from her schools for her indiscipline and her rebellious character towards her teachers. A strong personality that the television host has also kept well, as evidenced by her description on Twitter: “RATHER TO DIE THAN BE CONSENSUOUS OR POLITICALLY CORRECT. And uh… I have the ephemeral tweet”.

The sexagenarian nevertheless obtained the mention “good” at her baccalaureate, in 1974.

Christine Bravo lived for a year in Mexico, as Le Parisien reported in 2004. It was far from television sets and in Tijuana more precisely that the columnist had opened an adventure park in Playa del Carmen, named the “Discovery Jungle Park”, with two other partners, specifies Le Parisien.

At that time, the host no longer wanted to be part of the audiovisual landscape as a “boss” because of the Conseil Supérieur de l’Audiovisuel (CSA), which she accused of “prohibiting too many things”: “I I’m fed up with television, the good old days of public service are over. We can’t find anything original anymore. The Superior Audiovisual Council forbids us too many things “.

On December 27, 2012, a documentary on Laurent Ruquier, TV host and above all former best friend of Christine Bravo, was broadcast on France 2. The opportunity for the sexagenarian to return to a “serious blood disease” which impacted him during nearly ten consecutive years and from which she is now cured: “Well, at this time, we’re not going to squeal, ok? Laurent Baffie knew that I had been sick for 10 years! By the way, Baffie…. Am cured ! This sausage must be sleeping! Loool! And my tweet will shock him! My zozos, we heal thanks to you! Personally, I’m on top!”, she tweeted in 2012.

At 66, Christine Bravo is the mother of two children: Mathieu Cervantes and Clara Brunel. The latter does not wish to be known to the general public, as the host had declared in the program Chez Jordan, January 31, 2023.

“She doesn’t want to be seen. She has never used fame. She has a father who is still a star in sports journalism. She has a mother who was famous. And yet, she does not never presented herself as ‘the daughter of’. I don’t know why she is like that”, she declared and added, “When you see the children of actors who claim…then she , it’s quite the opposite, she always braked with four irons, she never wanted to be boosted”.

A situation that has long frustrated the star, who believes that the latter is a real “beauty”. “A brunette, long hair, blue eyes, a class … it’s the princess of Monaco. So when you see me next!”, She explained.