Handball Bundesliga Flensburg plays the perfect first half of the season
Handball Bundesliga Flensburg plays the perfect first half of the season

The SG Flensburg-Handewitt has done with the last step to a perfect first half of the season in the Handball-Bundesliga (HBL). The Team of coach Maik do Ulla won on Sunday with 25:23 (9:11) against the long-rebellious Bergische HC, and remained in the 17. Game without a loss point.

Magnus rod (5), Jim Gottfridsson and Rasmus Lauge (4) contributed as the best pitcher for the preservation of the white vest the Bay. In the history of the League, only the TBV Lemgo (2002/2003) and THW Kiel (2011/2012) had previously completed the first half of the season with a flawless 34:0 points.

For Flensburg it was against the BHC, however, is really tight. The house of lords made a very weak first half. It is only in the 8. Minute of the game, was able to overcome Magnus Jöndal the famos saved by the Christopher Rudeck at the gate of the BHC for the first time by seven meters, however, the SG had to let the guest in the meantime, on 2:7 (19.). Shortly before the mid-term break shortened Holger Glandorf 9:11 – that his Team was well served.

With the self-understanding of one of the top teams in the SG increased the intensity and went on a goal by Gottfridsson 15:14 (40.) for the first time in the lead. Simply the counterparty were to coach Sebastian Hinze’t shake. In the 51. Minute it was, but then again, Gottfridsson, which also produced a distance of three goals at 22:19, and then no more burning.