(Port-au-Prince) A new government was named Tuesday in Haiti, with the mission of trying to restore security and stability in the country ravaged by gang violence.

The decree listing the members of the new cabinet was published in Le Moniteur, the official Haitian newspaper, two weeks after the presidential transition council appointed an interim prime minister, Garry Conille.

The latter will also exercise the function of Minister of the Interior, according to the text.

Dominique Dupuy, Haiti’s representative to UNESCO, is in charge of Foreign Affairs.

Haiti, in turmoil for several years, is thus finalizing its transitional authorities.

Former Prime Minister Ariel Henry, appointed just before the 2021 assassination of President Jovenel Moïse, was highly contested.

He agreed to resign on March 11. The same day the principle of the creation of a transitional presidential council was noted during a meeting between Haitians and several organizations and countries such as the Caribbean Community and the United States.

The nine-member council (seven with voting rights and two observers) was officially created in April. Its term of office must end no later than February 7, 2026.

Its members were responsible for “rapidly” appointing a prime minister as well as an “inclusive” government.  

Haiti has suffered from chronic political instability for decades. But at the end of February, the gangs, whose violence was already ravaging entire sections of the territory, launched coordinated attacks against strategic sites, saying they wanted to overthrow Ariel Henry.

Mr. Henry was therefore unable to return to his country after a trip abroad.

His successor Garry Conille, a doctor by training, was already prime minister for a short period in 2011-2012. He was until now regional director for UNICEF.

He must tackle a monumental task: trying to get Haiti out of its deep political, security and humanitarian crisis in order to pave the way for the organization of elections – the first since 2016.

The capital is 80% in the hands of criminal gangs, accused of numerous abuses, in particular murders, rapes, looting and kidnappings for ransom.

The country is still awaiting the arrival of the first contingent of a multinational force led by Kenya.

This mission supported by the UN and in which the United States is very involved on the logistical level –– without however providing men – must support the Haitian police in the fight against the gangs which terrorize the population.

Kenyan President William Ruto assured Sunday that the deployment of his country’s police officers to Haiti would take place “probably next week or the following.”