Growing popularity the number of private schools increased sharply
Growing popularity the number of private schools increased sharply

The number of private schools in Germany has achieved a record brand. In the school year 2017/2018, there was 5839 General and vocational private schools. The were 81 per cent more than in 1992/1993, according to the Federal Statistical office in Wiesbaden on Tuesday. Part of a catching-up process in East Germany is reflected in this enormous increase, however, in recent years, the number has increased continually. Accordingly, the proportion of children to attend a private school – this has doubled since the beginning of the nineties, shows a recent study by the German Institute for economic research (DIW). Accordingly, 9 percent of all students in Germany today going to a private school.

John Pennekamp

editor responsible for economic reporting, responsible for “The Lounge”.

F. A. Z.

Whether behind the rise of a growing dissatisfaction with the public school system, or for other reasons play a dominant role, is not clearly evidenced. However, it is clear that certain groups of parents to send their offspring more and more often in private facilities. “In 1995, the differences according to parental educational background were low, that is, the shares of private school students among the academics, children have not differed greatly from those of other educational groups,” says DIW-education economist Katharina Spieß. “Since then, however, the proportion of children has to keep graduates in-house, attending a private school, strongly increased, especially in Eastern Germany.”

In the East, 23 percent of children from academic parents houses to visit according to their research, a small private school in the West nearly 17 percent – were approximately 20 and 13 percentage points more than in 1995. Not surprisingly, the parents of private school students whose school attendance on average more than 100 Euro per month will be due to earn, even more. However, there is, at least in the West, there is no further drift Apart.

Want to delimit the parents of your children?

a researcher skewer suspects behind the increase in private students, among other things, the desire of academics to parents, their children by other students delineate. “The proportion of high school students has risen overall. Private schools are a way to differentiate themselves from others,“ says spear. Private schools are for the Economist, part of the growing Segregation in education: “The academics are the parents Fund for their children, for example, increasingly education-related leisure activities, such as, for example, music lessons.”

Many of the parents who send their children to private schools, are likely to do so in the expectation that this will learn more than in public schools. Finally, the schools have to contend with numerous problems – from the loss of teaching time for up to part of the difficult Integration of refugees and migrants.

One of the SPD-affiliated Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation published a study, however, shows that the hope for a better private school is often not justified. The authors compared the competences of students of public and private schools. Taking into account the different composition of the student body, there is little difference in the learning success.