resim 104
resim 104

“Species of c******”, “You are not ashamed”, “We are going to stick a bullet on you like Villemin in Laroche”. The youtubeur Dan Tanna received, two months ago, a handwritten letter containing these remarks at his home, indicates L’Est Républicain. A death threat to him about an infamous affair that continues to stir the emotions of French men and women since 1984: the Grégory affair.

The man, also passionate about the investigation, shares his personal convictions on Youtube. Alas, his ideas do not seem to please everyone.

The threat received by mail, written in red ink is of a rare violence and resembles the letter of the crow which claims the assassination of the child. It can be read at the end: “in your chest we will put it” (the ball). The youtubeur, as a result, made the decision to file a complaint against X with the police.

The threat, sent from the south of France, has no identified perpetrator yet. Although two names are listed as senders, the youtubeur does not accuse them: “These are two people I know, and I know that it cannot come from them”, in the columns of the same media.

For him: “It is reminiscent of the letters in the Grégory affair because the crow directed suspicion a little towards Jacky Villemin (Jean-Marie’s brother). And there, in a much less subtle way, we try to direct suspicion towards other enthusiasts of the case that I know a little bit.

Dan Tanna says he is “very shocked by the words” and deplores the situation…