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Born August 24, 1980 in Saint-Dié-des-Vosges, Grégory Gilbert Villemin is the first child of Jean-Marie and Christine Villemin. After the birth of their son, the couple had a house built in Lépanges-sur-Vologne, a few kilometers from the rest of the family.

Bolle, Laroche, Villemin, Jacob… The clan is part of an immense genealogical tree where dramas, passions and jealousies intermingle.

As part of its exclusive investigation “Affaire Grégory: the other cases around the case”, Planet has made its own family tree to help you better understand the relationships between each protagonist.

You will therefore find the central characters of the case, such as Grégory Villemin, Bernard Laroche, Murielle Bolle or the Jacob couple, but also lesser known personalities such as a certain Thiébaut, Denis Jacob, Roger Jacquel or Ginette Leconte.

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Undermined by the murder of their only son, the Villemin couple decided to leave the Vosges to start a new life in the Paris region. After Grégory’s death, Jean-Marie and Christine had three children. First Julien, described as a “survival” child by someone close to the family. Indeed, the mother of the family became pregnant with twins in 1984, before being charged with the murder of her first child. When she learns that she is suspected, the shock is instantaneous and she loses one of the two children. Only Julien survives.

Subsequently, the couple gives birth to Emelyne, considered the child of hope. Finally, the youngest of the siblings, Simon, is said to have been named after magistrate Maurice Simon, who took over the investigation of the case from scratch in 1987.

Questioned by Planet, Thierry Moser, ex-lawyer of the Villemins and friend, confides to us: “The Villemin spouses are committed to preserving their family life and they are perfectly right. They have children and grandchildren”.