Q: Which one of the following is less obvious at the Winter Olympics than at the Summer Games?

A: Tattoos.

The athletes are covered in Lycra, nylon, and fleece so there is less visible skin on the slopes. This is in contrast to warm-weather sports where athletes compete in shorts, tank tops, and swimsuits. There’s plenty of body art displayed.

Curling may be an exception.

This image was taken by Associated Press Photographer Brynn Anderson. It shows two inked forearms meeting in a fist bump at Beijing’s Water Cube.

Her photograph of U.S. curlers Matt Hamilton & Christopher Plys highlights the tattoos that are often overlooked in our view of these games. It’s also nice to see the skull and crossbones of Plys’ curling stick.

Is it possible that the Winter Games skiers, ‘boarders and skaters are also decorated in a similar way? That’s anyone’s guess.