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A leading figure in French variety, Gilbert Montagné knows how to tell love stories. On va s’aimer, Les sunlights des tropiques, Le Cœur en sursis or Ma Chérie… After more than 50 years of career, the famous singer is also fulfilled in his private life.

After the end of his marriage in 1993 with Maureen Byrne, the mother of his two sons Nicolas and Éric, Gilbert Montagné left his children in Quebec to return to France. Upon his return, he worked with his long-time collaborator Nikole and formed a real bond. “The end of my marriage had led to a radical change of life: I had left Quebec to return to France, but my children had remained on the other side of the Atlantic and it was not easy at all”, he confided for Gala in 2018. “But as everything is written in advance, it turned out that the life of my ‘chief foreman’ also fell apart a few months later”.

As for his partner Nikole, she also had a difficult break with the father of her three children, Julien, Cécile and Maya. “It’s not easy to rebuild your life, to say to yourself” we start again “when you are scalded by a difficult divorce”, recognizes his partner to our colleagues. “We are a little cautious, we want to give ourselves time…”.

And time got the better of the love between the two souls in pain. In 1999, Gilbert Montagné married Nikole for a second time. A rebirth for this wealthy artist, happier than ever with his wife. “With women, it was always me who took the first step, but Nikole gave me a declaration of love that I will never forget,” he told the magazine before quoting a person dear to his heart. . “My mother often told me that I was a sun in the house, contrary to what she might have feared because of my visual impairment. Nikole is also a sun in my life”, indicates the artist, one of whom son is now married to his wife’s daughter.

After a quarter of a century of living together, Gilbert Montagné is still under the spell of Nikole and does not hesitate to mention their couple in the media. “I had the pleasure of meeting her twenty-five years ago”, he rejoiced in the face of Faustine Bollaert in The Secret Box last October on France 3. Before revealing the secret of their longevity. “It was someone who rebuilt me. I had the foundations, but I had been through a very difficult situation”, assured the septuagenarian and semi-finalist of Mask Singer 3 with emotion. “She brought me a lot. And the problem is that she always brings me so much,” smiled the latter. Focus in images on their couple in the slideshow.