Genocideproces at Fabien Neretse will start in our country he had a family Claire 46 and ten others to kill
Genocideproces at Fabien Neretse will start in our country he had a family Claire 46 and ten others to kill

in order For the court of justice of the council in Brussels and will start on Monday in the trial of Fabien Neretsé that terechtstaat for involvement in war crimes, and genocidemisdaden in 1994 in Rwanda. The 71-year-old Rwandan, who lives in France, would have been involved in the murder of 13 people, including a Belgian-Claire Beckers, her husband, and her daughter, Katia. Neretsé himself rejects the allegations that have been made.

Fabien Neretsé, one an agricultural engineer who was in charge of the Local authority for the sale and export of tea, has been accused of involvement in eleven murders and three attempts at murder in the city, on the 9th of april 1994. In addition, he has also been accused by at least two other murders, at Mataba, the town of his birth, in the north-west of Rwanda, may-June, 1994.

The first of the crimes that made him, at the expense were to be laid out, took place on the 9th of april, 1994, in the Nyamirambo district of Kigali, the rwandan capital. The defendant has lived in the area, along with his wife and five children. The family of Bucyana-in Dutch), the family and Others, and for the family, Gakwaya, all of Tutsi origin living in the area.

On the appointed day and tried that for three Tutsi families in a camp of the United Nations (Minuar) to achieve it. Two days before, and the slaughter by the Hutus on the tutsis in the Region began. The three families have gathered at the site of the family, to Others, and then a truck of soldiers arrived, followed by a second truck with the Interahamwe militia. The family members were beaten, went to the back of the house and opened it to the soldiers to fire.

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Ten people were killed. Among them, the Belgian-Claire Beckers, and her husband, Isaïe Bucyana, and their daughter, Katia. An eleventh person has been killed when he was later tried by a military road block, to the west. However, were two teenage boys in it to be in the situation to escape from. A 14-year-old girl who came in with injuries and off of it. The army will save the name of the grandmother of the family and Others.

According to the charges were Fabien Neretsé and person employed With the military and the Interahamwe informed, were brought to the attention of the soon-to-be departure of the three Tutsi families.

The testimony on the precise course of the facts of variation. Some studies indicate Neretsé explicitly with the finger, to tell people, especially about their own impressions.

According to the witness, was the person employed by the defendant, together with the Interahamwe during the events. One of the other states that he the defendant saw the look in the vertrekvoorbereidingen of the victims, and that he is in the military, and the home of the family and Others, and has been appointed. According to another witness, it was Neretsé was feared in the neighborhood, and he led an Interahamwe militia. Another witness said that, according to her, only two people in the military could, in particular, Neretsé, the immediate neighbor to Others-your family, or a major Evariste Nyampame, whose plot is facing to the rear of the home with the family and Others.

Kathia and Isaïe Bucyana’s daughter, and the husband of Claire, in Dutch) (Photo: PHU

finally, The accused himself denies formally that he and his neighbors have shown. According to him, his family, and the family and Others close. He disputes that he is a person employed the name Emmanuel. According to the Neretsé to his family, in march of 1994, itself the target of attacks in the Region.

Neretsé is also available with a second string of crimes. That would have been committed in may and June of 1994, at Mataba, the town of his birth, in the north-west of Rwanda.

in Mid-april of 1994, leaving Neretsé and his family out of the city, and he returned to his native village in Mataba. According to several witnesses, has Neretsé there, one Interahamwe militia founded and led. That soldier could have been responsible for several massacres on tutsis and moderate Hutus in the region.


as For how much time it’s going to, it is unclear as to the identity of the vast majority of the victims have not been made public. However, two of the victims have been identified: Anastase Nzamwita, Joseph Mpendwazi.

the Anastase Nzamwista was a former employee of the department in which the Neretsé director. In the course of may 1994, there was a man, according to witnesses, taken away by the Interahamwe, who were part of the militia, which had been set up by the Neresté. The man was dead, beaten up, and his body was left in a river to be thrown.

Neretsé self-denying any involvement in the crime. He also said that several of the witnesses who accuse him, to him, are totally unknown.

Joseph Mpendwazi, for his part, was a moderate Hutu. He was, according to witnesses, on the 19th of June, 1994 by the Interahamwe militia, under the leadership of the Neretsé taken in Nyakabanda, which is not far from the Mataba. The man was dropped off at a road block by the military, and were not seen again.

What this complaint is concerned, ” says Fabien Neretsé that he is in the military requisitioned his all-terrain vehicle to be used in order for the victim to be transported, but that he nothing to do with the kidnapping of a Mpendwazi to do with it.

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