Gastronomy in Offenbach Once greased twice prayed
Gastronomy in Offenbach Once greased twice prayed

On a visit to Tarek Al-Wazirs can’t remember Walter Klein. The Deputy Prime Minister of Hessen and top politicians of the Green do not forget, however, that Apple cider Small, if he shows the city he was born, and in politics is grown up and in which he still resides. For a professing Offenbacher however, it would also be a tricky gap in our knowledge. Because the beginnings of the tradition premises back to the year 1882. Walter Klein leads the house of Bettina street together with his wife Sabine are the fifth Generation.

Jochen Remmert

editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung, responsible for the airport and Offenbach.

F. A. Z.

The special Apple wine is Small, that there is still a lot of precisely as it was decades ago, not particularly, but quite normal for a restaurant. The host, a trained chef, in the kitchen, the cider itself is produced in the own the cellar, and only in the Locally served. Apple cider Small the sudden trend of hearing of the gastronomy of these days would have fallen to the victim, that would mean Locally, maybe “the Cider Lounge”, or “Apple Bar”, would have been x redesigned and may already be history.

In the case of Apple wine, of Small but it wasn’t always rather killed, so much about Change. Well, a couple of large, decorative mirrors on the walls have been added, and a robust tavern chair was refurbished. But the character of an unpretentious, cozy restaurant for everyone has changed, apparently, never.

Apple wine press from the year 1926

The six to eight tons of Apples, the process is Small, his wife and friends in the season, enough to secure the serving in the restaurant for a season. The wine in bottles and to market much would be drunk too time-consuming, it’s a Small amount of Apples to low. Much more the elderly would not create, over belt-driven wine system. The cider press dates from the year 1926.

Since buying a new one for the relatively low level of self-production would not be profitable, prayed with Klein’s a special rule of thumb, with the to get prepared and, above all, the old plant, the Presses: “Once greased, twice,” is you. In the mighty old oak barrels in the vaulted cellar of the house of the cider comes in a long time. The stores, rather, in modern Tanks. “The rules here are very strict,” says Walter Klein. The Apples, which he processed into wine, come from the orchards of the Wetterau.

With the cellar and its mighty pillars, it also has a very special meaning: In the Second world war, the house of Klein from a bomb hit and largely destroyed. Only the basement with its massive pillars held. The Not obeying, gave the family from there in that basement until the house was built about it again.