A letter that questions. According to information from Capital, nearly three million French households will receive a letter from the government in the coming weeks. This is not a reminder, but information that only concerns individuals who have taken out a gas contract at the regulated sales tariff, set by the public authorities. According to the information site, this official communication aims to alert to “the upcoming abolition of this very protective contract, set for June 30, 2023”.

If this letter aims above all to inform the French concerned, it is accompanied by a “market offer, the prices of which are freely fixed by the suppliers”, adds Capital. Consumers will therefore have to make their choice in an energy market that has been subject to great tension since the start of the war in Ukraine. The timing is therefore not the best, but the public authorities have no choice, since the abolition of the regulated tariff has been planned since 2019. The government has already sent three letters to the French people concerned, it is currently acting on the fourth and a final missive will be sent to them in March 2023.

With the deadline fast approaching, the French concerned have no choice but to comply with the rule, even if it is much less advantageous for them. As the site recalls, “gas offers cheaper than the regulated tariff have disappeared” and prices vary from one to two depending on the suppliers. To cope with tensions on the gas market, some have even decided to no longer accept new customers. So, what to do if you are concerned? Questioned by Capital, the president of the consumer association CLCV pleads for a postponement of the deadline for one year but, in the meantime, advises the French people concerned to wait until the last minute, in order to find the most interesting offer. .