resim 726
resim 726

On July 1, 2023, regulated gas sales tariffs (TRV) will disappear. To allow consumers to continue comparing market offers, the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) has decided to create a reference price (excluding taxes).

The method with which this price will be calculated is similar to that used for TRVs. This new tool adds up all the costs of a gas supplier for a given month. It takes into account the cost of gas supply, transportation and storage, as well as trade costs. To ultimately provide the average cost of a gas contract.

Using this reference price, customers will be able to compare the offers of suppliers, in search of the most competitive contract, therefore at prices lower than the CRE price. According to Capital, since the price is published excluding tax, CRE will also publish two concrete examples of invoices including tax each month. The first reference bill will correspond to that of a household using gas for heating. The second bill will be for a household using it to heat their water and cook their food.

CRE will publish the reference price on its website each month. “Things have not yet been decided. But this value could appear as a banner on the home page”, explains the Commission to Capital. The first prize will be made public in mid-May and will be effective June 1, 2023.