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Many press cartoonists share their art on Twitter to comment on current events with their scathing humor. On the agenda for the press review: the appointment of Gabriel Attal as Prime Minister by Emmanuel Macron. A look back at the events of recent days.

He’s the man of the moment. On Tuesday January 9, 2024, Gabriel Attal was appointed by the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron to the post of Prime Minister. At 34, he succeeded Elisabeth Borne and became the youngest politician to hold office under the Fifth Republic.

“Dear Gabriel Attal, I know I can count on your energy and your commitment to implement the rearmament and regeneration project that I announced. In fidelity to the spirit of 2017: surpassing and audacity. In the service of Nation and the French,” wrote the Head of State in a publication shared on his Instagram page.

Since his appointment to Matignon, a new task awaited the new Prime Minister this week: the composition of his government. The opportunity for the former socialist party activist and early walker to form his new government team. A reshuffle which sparked reactions in the media and on social networks.

From the departure of Elisabeth Borne at the start of the week to the surprise arrival of Rachida Dati at the Ministry of Culture… We review the best press cartoons in images below: