Full Unis a lot of students but the beginners will decrease numbers
Full Unis a lot of students but the beginners will decrease numbers

more and more students graduate, more and more it attracts to the University, becoming less and less a doctrine. This Trend seems to be for a long time unabated. And new Figures seem to confirm it first: In the winter semester of 2018/2019 as many students are new and, as yet, provisional data of the Federal Statistical office, never at German universities are registered. Now a small But: The Trend to more and more study is beginners broken according to the Figures, even if only slightly: It included, therefore, in the current winter semester a little less people to study.

The number of enrolled students remains huge: 2.867.500 Enrolled statisticians report in its balance sheet as of this Tuesday. Thus, the number of students increased in comparison to the winter semester 2017/2018 order of 22,600, or 0.8 percent. At the same time, the number of freshmen decreased slightly year on year to 0.9 percent on 508.800.

Currently a little less than two-thirds of students are at universities, including Pedagogical and Theological colleges enrolled. Fachhochschulen without colleges of public Administration include a good third of the students. At colleges of public Administration 1.7 percent to learn in art schools 1.3 percent of the students.

In the case of the First-year students enrolled at the universities of 1.6 per cent less compared to the same period last year. At the art colleges in the decline at 2.5 per cent and at the colleges was 0.2 percent. In contrast, there were in the colleges of public Administration an increase of 8.3 percent.