Hours of queuing, closed stations and canceled school pick-ups… For several days, France has seemed to be plagued by a fuel supply problem, which affects individuals and professionals alike.
However, the government wants to be reassuring: “there is no shortage”, said government spokesperson Olivier Véran during his ritual press briefing on Wednesday October 5. Before adding: “We are at 12% of stations across the country that encounter difficulties on at least one type of fuel, with variability”. In concrete terms, more than one in ten service stations in France are currently struggling to serve their customers.
But the watchword, on the side of the executive, is clear:
This seems easier said than done. Because in the four corners of France, motorists complain of not finding the fuel they need, and are already anxious at the idea of running out.
But what is this situation due to? There would be two explanations. First of all, the discount of 30 cents per liter at the pump, set up in early September by TotalEnergies in these stations in France, would be a victim of its own success. The group recalls, however, that there is no point in running: the measure lasts until the end of November.
But that is not the only reason that explains the serial breaks from which the points of sale seem to suffer. Indeed, a strike is underway in several refineries in the country. Four of the six Total refineries are thus impacted.
What is the situation with you? Discover the point, region by region, in the following slideshow.