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Towards a return of the fuel shortage? In the fall of 2022, strikes at French refineries led to stockouts at many service stations. Thus, for motorists, queuing for hours to fill their tank had become the norm for a while.

From now on, it is the mobilizations against the pension reform that could well create a similar situation again. Indeed, to show its opposition to the government’s project, the CGT-Chemistry has decided to paralyze the refineries since March 7, 2023.

As a result, 4.1% of service stations in France are facing partial or total stock shortages, whether for gasoline, diesel or both, according to calculations by Le Figaro.

According to figures from Monday, March 13, some departments are particularly affected by this lack of fuel. Here are the 9 departments where the ruptures are the most intense:

Conversely, for other departments, the situation seems much calmer and far from a potential shortage. Find out which ones in our slideshow below.