According to an analysis by the research group Wahlen, the German winner CDU/CSU was once again able to rely on its older voters – as it has done since 1979. They are still by far the Union’s most important pillar of support: among those aged 60 and over, it received 39 percent. Among all those under 60, it received 25 percent, just like the SPD with ten percent, which is well below its overall result.

The AfD gets 19 percent of the vote among all those under 60, but only eleven percent among those over 60. The Greens have suffered a massive decline among all those under 30, reaching only twelve percent (in 2019 they were still at 33 percent in this age group, making them clearly the strongest force), and among young and first-time voters aged 16 to 24 they are only eleven percent. The CDU/CSU and AfD are tied in the under-25 group (17 percent each), the SPD only reaches nine percent among 16 to 25 year olds, and Volt also achieves a surprisingly strong nine percent here.

The Left Party is more than double its overall result among under-30s at seven percent, while there are only minor differences across age groups for the FDP and BSW.

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If you compare the voting behavior of women and men in Germany, you will notice that the Greens do three percentage points better among women (14:11), while the AfD does seven percentage points worse (12:19). For all other parties, the differences between the sexes are marginal.

In terms of professional groups, the Union scored above average among the self-employed and civil servants – the Greens also scored above average among civil servants, but they scored well below average among workers. The SPD was least able to convince the self-employed, while the AfD was least able to convince civil servants. The AfD was able to rely on the votes of the workers.

Support for the Union continued to decline the higher the level of formal education. The opposite was true for the Greens, albeit at a much lower level. The AfD performed best among voters with a secondary school education.

The figures are based on a survey conducted by the Research Group Elections among 1,232 randomly selected voters in Germany in the week before the election (by telephone/online) and on a survey of 46,437 voters on election day.