resim 466
resim 466

CBC/Radio-Canada management announced Friday, a little after 11 a.m., the appointment of Dany Meloul as senior vice-president of French Services.

She had held the position on an interim basis since the resignation of Michel Bissonnette last October.

Before that, Dany Meloul was general director of Télévision de Radio-Canada, a position she obtained in October 2019.

“[Dany Meloul] has in-depth knowledge of the industry in a context where business models are being shaken up by increased competition from digital giants and the changing habits of French-speaking audiences. This appointment comes at a strategic time for CBC/Radio-Canada as our industry faces major challenges and we work to place the public broadcaster in a strong position for the future,” says Catherine Tait, President and CEO , CBC/Radio-Canada, in a press release.

Remember that on December 12, the Minister of Heritage, Pascale St-Onge, told journalists that Catherine Tait’s mandate would end “at the beginning of 2025.”