Frederik Backaert will drive next season for a Vital Concept in BB Hotels
Frederik Backaert will drive next season for a Vital Concept in BB Hotels

The French procontinentale team, the Vital Concept of the B&B, Hotels, Frederik Backaert for the next two seasons. The 29-year-old Backaert make the transition from the Wanty-Groupe Gobert, of which he was for six years ahead.

“I was with the team last year and has already been contacted, but it was already too late. This time, it was manager of This Up to me in the beginning of July, will be contacted, and then proceeded at a fast pace. I’ve had a lot of friends in la, and I would like to keep the local state of mind. It has been my dream to be in the Tro Bro Léon, to be able to win back the famous pig,” said Backaert, that is, in 2017, in another second it was in the Tro Bro Leon.

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