Four young people were arrested for assault on a taxi driver in Leuven
Four young people were arrested for assault on a taxi driver in Leuven

In Leuven, on Friday, a taxi driver, the victim of a brutal and violent attack. It reports to the ku Leuven public prosecutor. The city police and was later that same night, four young people took place, three of whom are under arrest warrant have been inserted.

The driver stood by his vehicle at the height of the Standonckstraat, when he was approached by some of the young people, who have the money they demanded. The perpetrators were the victim of this right, several punches and kicks and the steel of his cell phone. The man was then told that he of 50 euros to be paid for the mobile phone to it to get it, but then he told me that he had no money, he had even more success, and then, the perpetrators take off and go.

The taxi driver will be called immediately by the police and a search was started for the perpetrators. On the basis of the camera images was a view of young people is to be installed. It turned out that she is earlier on in the evening all of the anti-overlastpatrouilles were stopped and identified. Later that night, the suspects can be found in the city centre and is picked up.

The public prosecutor’s office has decided that three of the four parties involved before the judge. Which are placed the three under arrest warrant.