resim 1177
resim 1177

(Madrid) Double Ballon d’Or Alexia Putellas and two other players from the Spanish selection will testify in court in the case of the forced kiss of ex-football boss Luis Rubiales to their teammate Jenni Hermoso.

Alexia Putellas, Irene Paredes, FC Barcelona defender and captain of “Roja” like Putellas, and Misa Rodríguez, goalkeeper, will be heard next Monday by the magistrate in charge of the investigation, a judicial source told AFP .

The 2021 and 2022 Ballon d’or had taken sides very early in favor of Jenni Hermoso, deeming “unacceptable” the speech given by Luis Rubiales on August 25 when he announced that he had no intention of resigning.

The judge already heard on Monday behind closed doors the brother and a friend of Jenni Hermoso who, according to the judicial source, confirmed the declarations of N.10 on the absence of consent on her part during this kiss and on the pressure exercised against her by Rubiales and her entourage so that she would approve the facts.

Luis Rubiales was charged in this case with “sexual assault” but also with “coercion” due to this pressure.

Several experts were also heard on Monday and several members of the Spanish Federation (RFEF) must be heard on Thursday.

It is still unknown if Jennifer Hermoso will be summoned by the magistrate and when.

Luis Rubiales, who always claimed that this kiss was consensual, was questioned on September 15 and has since been banned by the judge from coming within 200 m of the player.

On August 20, after the “Roja” world title in Sydney, the Spanish football boss grabbed Jennifer Hermoso’s head with both hands and kissed her by surprise on the mouth. A gesture which caused international indignation and its provisional suspension by FIFA.

Luis Rubiales, who initially refused to resign denouncing “false feminism,” ended up doing so on September 10.

Friday, during the women’s “Roja” match against Sweden, the two teams displayed a banner before their match proclaiming “Se Acabo”, “it’s over, our fight is a global fight”, in reference to the behavior macho.