Force ouvriere Pavageau on the harness
Force ouvriere Pavageau on the harness

Officially, Pascal Pavageau is on sick leave, after the shock provoked by the revelations of the Canard enchaîné, Wednesday, October 10, on the pointing of the frames of the working class. Yet, the number one FO has been seen, this Tuesday the 16th in the morning, at the headquarters of the union, avenue du Maine, Paris. Man of 49 years passed only a few moments, the time to retrieve a few belongings in his office. Might he leave the premises, to resign ? If he did not decide to take the plunge, his comrades should be in charge of the land…

indeed, on Wednesday, the executive committee of FO, consisting of 35 members, meets. She can’t remove directly Pascal Pavageau, but it may request the holding of a Committee, confédéral national (NCC) by means of a resolution. The statutes of the union provide that the NCC may impose upon the secretary-general to leave him and find a replacement. All of this could be done in two-three weeks. It was an emergency. “This is a disaster for us. We are comrades, we are talking about brotherhood, and then we plug. On me, there is nothing written wrong, but if this had been the case, I would break the mouth, ” says a member of the executive board. According to the estimates of the latter, only 4 or 5 representatives of the executive board on 35 would support Pascal Pavageau. Exceptional thing, the current reformist and the trotskyist are allies to ask for his impeachment, unlike the family anarchist, who has also launched an appeal in favour of Pavageau. This episode unprecedented in the history of the FO falls on the eve of the professional elections in the public service, where FO generally achieves very good scores.

” We do not understand this behavior. Besides, why Pavageau has he not sent the two editors of the file ? ” is mine to question a part of the FO. Layoffs have been decided, but they would not have been executed. The two authors of the note controversial would be Cécile Potters, the director of cabinet of Pavageau, and his girlfriend to the city, as well as Justine Braesch, his chief of cabinet. Pascal Pavageau would have entrusted this weekend to a top official of his union, his fears against “attacks” on his private life.

Avenue du Maine, the atmosphere is heavy. The control of the Cnil, following the revelations of the Canard enchaîné, has nothing arranged. “There is a second file,” suggests a source. Contacted by The Point, Pascal Pavageau was not reachable.

On the same subject Coignard – Pavageau, the paranoid FO