Football why fans are not going to sing this weekend
Football why fans are not going to sing this weekend

They usually give of the voice, but not this time. Football fans may not sing in the various stages the French the Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 October, as the following weekend, reports RTL. The national Association of supporters, which brings together many associations on the whole territory of the country, has asked its members, in a press release, not to sing at upcoming meetings. “The objective of this action is to display the ras-le-bol general of the supporters of the French by showing that a stadium silencer is that can happen that is worse at football as we know it : festive and popular,” explains the press release.

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By this action, the national Association of supporters intends to denounce the rise of “decisions of repressive” authorities : “The continuation of this action is the direct consequence of the evolution and management of the supporters for a year. (…) The numbers of the decisions, supposedly preventive, in reality law enforcement are cold in the back. “According to the association,” 86 prefectorial orders and 9 ministerial decrees for 31 total bans on travel ” have been pronounced last season. “This season, in three months, already 15 prefectorial orders, and 2 ministerial orders of restriction or total prohibition of removal,” adds the press release.

“Against the closures of the tribune and “huis clos”

In addition to regret the action of the public authorities, the press release also points the finger at commissions of discipline of sporting bodies and their decisions about ” closures of the tribune and behind closed doors.” A situation in which ” distorts the incipient dialogue and constructive dialogue at national level between authorities, authorities, and supporters “. “The respect that the authorities are entitled to expect that the supporters should not be one-way : there is an urgency to review the reception conditions in the areas visitors to the stages and the attitude that is often contemptuous, sometimes free violent, personal, SIR,” concludes the press release.

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