Football commentary The team to the test
Football commentary The team to the test

It was summer, it was From the German national team in the preliminary round of the world Cup in Russia like a leaden veil over the Republic, as Reinhard Grindel, President of the German football Association (DFB), at once such a feeling. “I take it also true that at the base of the term ,The team’ as a very artificial is perceived. Also this should be put to the test,“ he said, as it is a Reinhard Grindel says. Since test stands are super. Cars come out, if it is not clear whether you have to prefer to be off the road, because the exhaust gas values do not so vote. Party programs come up on test benches, if you are not sure whether you can score points with the electorate, really. And Marketing Claims come under scrutiny, if it is not certain how far fiction and reality are now far from each other.

In the summer, it was really, what was going to be the DFB, that was what he was: “The team” fell apart around the tournament in Russia in its individual parts, the world Cup Motto “ZSMMN” looked really stupid, more suitable would have been: “LLN”. And, well, what are we supposed to write about a Team that loses, even against a not-yet unified Korea 0:2, then in the summer break goes, your legs can dangle, in front of the tournament but still cocky had claimed: “the Best never rest.”

Sometimes it helps to gain distance or to think about. Grindel knows that from the policy, the person in charge of the DFB came but now to the somewhat surprising result that “The team”, a super-Marketing-Claim, which should disappear in any case. Is really not a joke. “The crew” is super, “The team”. Oliver Bierhoff, and the DFB-chief-Marketing-Claimer, has been specially commissioned a study that comes to the conclusion that there is a high level of acceptance among young people and women to “The team”. Abroad, the Name by which the DFB-choice advertises, a high recognition value.