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New boost for some French people. Due to the general rise in prices which continues to climb over the months (5.2% in May 2022 over the last rolling twelve months according to INSEE), the government is making purchasing power its priority. Elisabeth Borne also announced this Tuesday, June 7 on France Bleu, that new aid was going to be paid “at the start of the school year”. Who are the ones who will be able to benefit from it?

This measure will be reserved for the most modest households, in order to help them cope with inflation. “In an emergency, with inflation, it will be aid paid directly into the bank account, all at once, naturally taking into account the number of children in the family”, detailed on the radio microphone the Prime Minister . The sum can thus be spent on food, but also for any other purchases.

According to a government source, this “emergency food aid” from the government will be part of the purchasing power bill, the political service of TF1 / LCI has learned. The latter will be presented to the Council of Ministers after the legislative elections, on June 29.

However, according to the confidences of this same source, the State services have not yet determined precisely which low-income households will benefit from this bonus. As the head of government indicated, she will count the income, as well as the number of children in the household. Eligible households will not have to claim it. They will receive it “automatically”.

What will be its amount?

The government source told TF1 / LCI that this emergency aid could range from “from 100 to 150 euros”. Dominique Chargé, president of the agricultural cooperative, for his part indicated during a joint press conference with the FNSEA on the food voucher, that it could amount to “150 euros”.

In addition, the “big rollers” who are bearing the brunt of the explosion in fuel prices, will be able to benefit from the rebate of 18 cents until the end of August. And “for those who travel a lot of kilometers a day, either to get to their job, or as part of their job”, a system “will be put in place (…) at the start of the school year to accompany (them)” , notified the Prime Minister.

What about the food check? Does this emergency aid replace it?

The emergency aid announced on Tuesday by Elisabeth Borne is quite distinct from the food check. This measure has not been abandoned, but should take longer to be deployed under the aegis of the Ministry of Agriculture, still aimed at low-income households.

A “reflection” should be launched on “a targeted device to allow all French people to access quality products, organic products (and in short circuit)”, specified Elisabeth Borne.