A swan finds a new home with an animal-loving couple in Florida. As a result, Lola changes their lives completely.

A couple from Florida has opened their house to a special guest – a swan named Lola. This is reported by the “New York Post”. Andrew Marshall and PJ Garcia-Marshall rescued the orphaned young swan from loneliness and took her into their care.

What is particularly noteworthy is that Lola seems to have a soft spot for living indoors. “She loved being inside. She thinks she’s one of the dogs or one of the cats,” the New York Post quoted PJ Garcia-Marshall as saying. The couple has obviously developed a deep bond with Lola, which underlines her statement: “To say she completely changed our lives would be an understatement.”

The Marshalls are aware that it is illegal to take a swan from the wild in Orlando, so they have turned their backyard into a sanctuary for Lola, which they affectionately call “Lola’s Cove,” according to the New York Post. They attempted to release Lola back into the wild, but to no avail.

Because Lola grew up on a different lake, she was overwhelmed by her new surroundings and became involved in a territorial battle with another swan, according to the New York Post. After this incident, the couple decided to take Lola in and consider her part of the family.

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