Flare up of the virus herd Local Corona to contain outbreaks
Flare up of the virus herd Local Corona to contain outbreaks

Flare-up of the virus-herd – Local Corona outbreaks eindämmenIn South Korea, it shows what could happen to us: There is virus-herd, and will then be brought up with a huge effort under control. Recent case: An Infected person in the afterlife, 80’payments 000 Tests, almost 250 clip-on.Sven Hoti5 Kommentare5Medienwirksame Anti-Corona measures: workers disinfecting streets in a district in Seoul. Photo: Woohae Cho ()

South Korea is considered a model in the Corona-crisis. Long the number of reported new infections remained very low, but then the Virus returned in early may. Korea center for disease control reported 34 new cases, 24 of which was drawn in connection with a 29-Year-old, which is the day before by Bars and Clubs, in the main Itaewon area. In the case of the 24 Infected, it should not, however, remain. The authorities tested within a few days over 80’000 people on the Virus and found almost 250 Infected – all of which are indirectly, in connection with a party visitors.

of concern to the authorities in addition, an outbreak in a logistics centre in the West of Seoul, nearby to the city of Bucheon, where all employees will be tested. There are more than 80 people have so far been reported and contact persons of the 4000 employees of a large holding as the infected, on the basis of a visitor to the Seoul night life, where even during the Corona-crisis, the club remained open, but were closed. The employees were held not to carry to the distance, and hygiene rules, such as the Mask, declared the Deputy Director of the South Korean disease control, Kwon Jun-wook.

In South Korea, the Clubs and Bars remained also during the Corona-crisis open. Photo: Chung Sung-Jun ()

The government in Seoul has imposed on Thursday again the limitations of public life, after the Peninsula, with 79 new infections, 67 of which are in Seoul and the surrounding area, the largest increase within had been reported in 24 hours for nearly two months. Minister of health, Park Neung-hoo, announced on Thursday the two-week closure of museums, theatres, Parks and multi-purpose halls in the 26-million-inhabitant metropolis. In addition, he called on the people to meetings, and population places, such as Restaurants and Bars, rich to be avoided. The next two weeks are critical, said the Minister.

Despite the mild measures that the South Korean government imposed a strict Lockdown had brought to the Peninsula within the Coronavirus is a very short time under control, especially thanks to mass testing and Contact Tracing, as well as an iron discipline in the population. Until recently reported South Korea only sporadic, imported infections, in Germany, the Virus seemed to be entirely eradicated.

views of Switzerland

Since most of the East Asian countries were earlier affected by the Virus than the Rest of the world, is expected to South Korea to serve in some ways as an early warning system. In contrast to most countries in the West – Switzerland included – South Korea has imposed, although never strong restrictive measures. As other countries move but slowly in the direction of “normalization” and therefore South Korea, are also comparisons easier.

And so South Korea looks after a period of recovery for the first time in a single Virus-Hotspots flare up. Similar “Rebounds” experienced, for example, also in Frankfurt, where about 100 people had put in after a Church service requested. The same thing can happen in Switzerland, now that all of the remaining establishments such as swimming pools or the Discos open and the meeting and event ban by 30. May and 6. June is loosened. That depth of case numbers is no guarantee against a renewed flare-up are illustrated by countries such as South Korea, so impressive.

not To be a recurrence of large-scale outbreak, however, according to the Public Health expert and member of the Swiss National Covid-19 Science Task Force, Marcel Tanner. “A comprehensive second wave, there will be no more, but individual foci of infection, flare-UPS,” he said in an Interview with this newspaper.

Meanwhile, Switzerland is better equipped. “At that time, we had no System for the Monitoring of the individual infectious. We were not able to locate. Now, we are in many ways much better off,” said Tanner.

That a good preparation can do wonders, also showed South Korea in the fight against the first wave. The country had because of the Mers outbreak five years ago, already a lot of experience in dealing with epidemics.

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