Five keys on the housing demand in the periphery
Five keys on the housing demand in the periphery Updated: Save Send news by mail electrónicoTu name *

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The confinement, which has forced us to pass the shock pandemic has made us think about our homes. This new sensitivity with regard to the home that we inhabit has influenced the habits of search real estate. Among the criteria most sought after are the existence of an outdoor space and more square metres in the interior. Gardens, terraces and balconies have become a must-have, while the extension of the telework push us to need more room.

The periphery is imposed as a matter of quality-price , and in we have the keys of its success:

1. Time for search . After a period of paralysis imposed by the authorities, the housing market has re-emerged with force. A good part of the demand has taken advantage of the lockdown to select offer a much more careful, focusing on aspects that before were overlooked. This analysis has served for many have noticed that the big cities do not respond to their needs, and that outside of the core downtown there are good opportunities.

2. Telework as a standard . The Covid-19 led to many companies to allocate resources so that their workers could continue with their daily activities from their homes. Labour productivity in remote has been demonstrated, therefore the companies will allow this modality to coexist with the version face-to-face. By avoiding a daily commute between office and housing, the periphery becomes to be a viable alternative for buyers.

3. Competitive price . As we move away from the districts most dynamic of a great capital, the real estate supply is changing. The price-surface in the center not offset against the proceeds to several metro stations beyond, and not let’s say if you bet for a nearby township. Live in a small apartment interior can cost the same as a single family with a garden. Now that the location does not dictate the rules, to avoid the most congested areas will be a trend.

4. Client profile . The search for a higher quality of life in the periphery is common among families with children who require a smaller setting and with more services. It is also the goal of many retirees who sell their home in the center to change the asphalt for the nature. Also, more and more young entrepreneurs who opt for the rural life to give wings to your business venture and, at the same time, be consistent with your commitment to the environment.

5. Invest in infrastructure . Although it is still not clear that the geographic displacement of the demand will be a long-term move, what is certain is that the pattern residential the Spanish language was in need and that the pressure on large cities is out relieving. The mindset of the buyer was changing so shy, but the pandemic has accelerated this process of change. It is essential for the development of networks of public and private transport, accompanying this exodus to urban.