resim 286
resim 286

In all German federal states, Sundays or public holidays are considered a day of rest on which public holiday rest must be observed. This means that public works that cause noise are prohibited. The rest period between midnight and midnight must therefore be observed. This passage is even anchored in the law and recorded in the FSchVO of the respective federal state (holiday protection regulation). This is intended to ensure that neighbors and people in the immediate vicinity do not feel disturbed by work.

Work that you do in your apartment or house is not covered by this law. So you can do your laundry, vacuum or clean the inside of your windows without worry, as long as these jobs are not excessively noisy.

However, if you clean your windows from the outside, neighbors or other people could be bothered by your cleaning behavior – especially if you use a window vacuum or window squeegee. These tools are very helpful and make cleaning windows easier, but when used they cause noise that is undesirable on Sundays or public holidays.

Neighbors or passers-by are allowed to inform the police about public actions that contradict the Sunday and public holiday law. If your doorbell rings and officers detect unauthorized noise, this could result in a misdemeanor. There can even be a fine, which, depending on the federal state, is between 5,000 euros and 10,000 euros. In a rented apartment, the landlord may also issue a warning. In the event of repeated violations, the employer can even terminate the contract. It is therefore advisable to refrain from doing outdoor household work on Sundays and public holidays or at least to discuss this with your neighbors.

The comparison shows that federal states such as Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg pursue relatively strict guidelines and regulations. If you clean your windows on public holidays or Sundays in these federal states, the fine may be higher than in other federal states.

In federal states such as Schleswig-Holstein, cleaning or working in the house and garden on public holidays and Sundays is permitted by law if the activity is not commercial. This means that, depending on the federal state, you may also be allowed to clean windows on Sundays and public holidays.

However, in this context too, the respective work must not cause more noise than necessary. It therefore always depends on how much noise is generated when cleaning windows and whether neighbors and other people feel disturbed. That’s why it makes more sense to postpone window cleaning until other days. If you also want to avoid arguments and high fines, ask your neighbors or your landlord. If they don’t mind cleaning on the day off, they can work quietly.