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In 2022, Emmanuel Macron presented his new program for the next five years at the time of the presidential elections. Among the key measures was the pension reform which must be voted on Thursday March 16 in the National Assembly. Another measure he wanted to put in place was the payment of social assistance at source automatically, as reported by our colleagues from FranceInfo.

This measure would benefit “20 million” French people who receive the RSA, the activity bonus, housing aid or even family allowances. This commitment seems to have been kept since the Caisse d’Allocations Familiales has announced changes concerning the payment of aid from the summer of 2023.

In June 2020, a report by the Department of Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics (DREES) revealed that nearly 30% of people eligible for social assistance did not receive it. The DREES assumes various reasons for the non-use of social assistance from the report published by Eurofound. We find there a “difficult to access procedure” or “complex”, a “misunderstanding of the service” or “eligibility criteria” but also the “design of the service” deemed “unstable”.

For example, in the case of the RSA, 450 million euros had not been distributed in 2010. “In the last quarter of 2010, the rate of use of the RSA was on average 50%: 64% among those eligible for the alone, 67% among those eligible for basic and activity RSA and only 32% among those eligible for activity RSA alone”. In total, 10 billion euros would not be paid each year to recipients of social aid who have not claimed them.

The DREES then questioned the French to find out the main individual reasons for non-use. “Very often, the French say they know who can benefit from these benefits, however this knowledge of the eligible people can be approximate. Whatever the allowance considered, the proportion of people knowing “quite precisely” who can claim it has dropped significantly between 2014 and 2018″ reports the DREES file.

This situation could improve with the changes announced by CAF.

At the end of 2022, the Family Allowance Fund published its payment schedule for 2023 on its website. The payment of allowances is thus made every 5th of the month. In the process, the organization announces an automatic payment of these aids from July 2023, as reported by our colleague from Femme Actuelle. This automation would thus facilitate your procedures and speed up the processing of files by the administration.

Instead of completing a declaration of your resources each quarter with the CAF, a pre-filled declaration will be received by all those who are eligible for aid. But, how will your data be collected? It will be possible to switch to this automatic system through the monthly resources device (DRM) where your information will already be indicated. This file has existed since the reform of housing aid in 2022. How will this change materialize?

Still with the aim of alleviating the burden on the beneficiaries of this aid, another modification will be adopted this summer. Indeed, an additional line will appear on your payslip. From July 2023, all employee payslips must include the words “net social amount”. The decree published by the government on February 7 imposes the addition of this line.

This amount corresponds to the resources declared by the employees. This mention makes it possible to assess the rights and eligibility of employees to benefit from social assistance. This amount already indicated will directly display the amount to be declared to the CAF. You will therefore no longer have to calculate them yourself to obtain this data.