resim 1101
resim 1101

The active solidarity income, or more commonly known as RSA, is a social benefit which “guarantees you, if you are destitute or your resources are low, a minimum income. Subject to means testing”, as the website of the CAF (Caisse d’Allocations Familiales) explains.

The France Travail bill which will be discussed in the Council of Ministers, as announced by Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne, in a few days (early June), refers in particular to the RSA. Questioned by the Minister of Labor Olivier Dussopt, who judges this social assistance a “collective failure”, what about the future of the active solidarity income?

In a report dating from January 2022, the Court of Auditors informs us that “seven years after the entry into the RSA of a cohort of recipients, only 34% have left it and are in employment”. Today, the Government is aiming for full employment with the France Travail bill.

As our colleagues from Merci Pour L’Info tell us, the French Government’s objective with this bill is to “create by law the possibility of suspending the allowances. This will always be decided by the president of the departmental council” . A suspension that could just as easily last a single day as last several weeks. 18 departments have already been in the experimental phase since the beginning of April.

The Prime Minister also took the floor, affirming that we “must continue to aim for the levers to allow everyone to return to a job. This is all the more important in a context where we know that there is a lot of companies looking to hire and saying they can’t.”