Fifa DFB criticized the dubious vote on billions of projects
Fifa DFB criticized the dubious vote on billions of projects

The German football Federation has criticised the world governing body, Fifa, a media report says that due to a survey about billions in future projects at the “Executive Football Summit” in Doha. “Without knowing more facts and the results of the deliberations of the task force to be seen, it is irresponsible to let national associations generally, vote whether you are for or against a club world Cup or the Global Nations Cup,” said the DFB, the “süddeutsche Zeitung” (Saturday).

After the DFB-information “have not engaged in some, maybe even all in Doha present European associations, therefore, at the time of the vote”. They would rely on the “constructive work of the Uefa representatives in the Task Force”. This body had for the first time at 9. December met in Paris; the Task Force will examine in the next three months, the feasibility and the conditions for the new competitions.

the Background of the DFB-criticism of Fifa is the way of the survey of the 52 in Doha present member countries. Tailored information should be according to the SZ-it’s not about whether the countries want a reformed club world Cup or global Nations League at all. It was merely “a fixed catalogue of questions to appointments, numbers of participants and game modes”. Fifa did not comment on the request to the newspaper report.

The Plan of the President of Fifa, Gianni Infantino, “the small associations should not be handled, are scarcely, if at all, for tournaments in which they play no role”. Only at the end of it go “at the critical mass: Europe’s top salesman in the want to deal with the topic only if you know all the Details of this multi-billion deals”.

From the point of view of the Fifa is to suspend the procedure of the survey in Doha. “Everybody can speak out against any proposal,” said the world Association at the request of the “süddeutsche Zeitung”.