Ferns the garden plant of the hour
Ferns the garden plant of the hour

Tips for gardeners – the Ferns – the garden plants of the StundeJe hotter the summer, the more popular of the shade on the balcony or seat. With the green Fronds, they can be beautiful design. Sarah Fasolin0 comment fascinating and filigree: Ferns are among the oldest land plants ever.Photo: iStock/

the garden of the world knows your Trends: Changes rhododendrons in fashion, time, Hostas were, let’s hydrangeas. And now there are Ferns. The primitive Plant, no flowers, is mostly in the shade and is not used for food, and for medicinal purposes. Ferns are currently popular. “A lot of garden owners, but also planting planners have become in the last years, the Ferns carefully,” says Elisabeth Jacob, which operates in Rifferswil, ZH a little, to shade plants specialist nursery. Because the plants are easy to care for, easy to use, and had yet refined and aesthetically.

the two young entrepreneurs Maria and Michael Schneider of the company fern plant in Härkingen SO in the right Moment on the right Plant. The two industrial designers had privately collected over 700 Ferns, as they decided three years ago to turn her passion into a career. Michael Schneider made because of that extra training to be a gardener, and together, the two nursery opened its Fern. “First of all, a collector came to us, the rarities were looking for,” says Maria Schneider.

Because a loyal fan club the Ferns in Switzerland had always been. In the club, fern, friends of the Swiss collectors, botanists and plant geeks will be meeting for 43 years, in order to exchange specialist knowledge or Ferns in gardens or in natural sites to visit. After a short time, the clientele at fern plant was growing ever wider. Today, both the balcony gardener as well as Park designers Ferns want.

fern is very photogenic. This can also be seen on Social Media, where garden owners post your photos.

For the couple, Schneider explain the popularity of the fern with its Outer to. “He’s very photogenic,” says Michael Schneider. “You see even on Social Media, where garden owners post your photos.” Ferns, the roll-out of its fronds, and a crozier or a fiddle head remember. Ferns against the light. Fern with Dew drops.

More than 10’000 types of

in Addition, the world of Ferns is very diverse. Worldwide, more than 10’000 species are known, some of which are only a few inches tall and other ferns, such as the tree, several meters high grow.

Or is it their history that intrigues you? Ferns are among the oldest land plants ever. They reproduce not seeds plants via Pollen and pistil, but by means of spores. And this in a rather slow pace.

Ferns need several years to grow and to establish itself at a new location. Some species such as Siebold-worm fern make per year, only a single frond. Ferns need to have patience.

From which reasons also always have a special place in many gardeners Ferns have captured the hearts – they are likely to remain popular In times of climate change, the shadow places in the garden are becoming ever more important, and they want to be beautiful designed. “Because in the shade, only a few flowering plants thrive, other design criteria, such as Battformen and textures is important,” explains Elisabeth Jacob. Cleverly combined, without the need for a flower attractive flower beds.

Some well-available Ferns

easy-Care classic:

Dryopteris filix-mas (local, image), Dryopteris affinis (native), Dryopteris erythrosora, or Asplenium scolopendrium (local).Photo: Eye Ubiquitous

Robust winter green species:

Polystichum aculeatum (local, image), Polystichum polyblepharum, or Dryopteris atrata.Photo: Michael Warren (Photoshot)

Ferns as ground cover:

Adiantum venustum (image) or Blechnum penna-marina.Photo: P. sky, Huber (Zoonar)

Ferns for the pot:

Asplenium trichomanes (image), Adiantum pedatum, or Polypodium vulgare.Photo: GWI, Floramedia0 comment please Login to comment