What chaos at Cologne schools! The student Tomke was rejected by the Schiller-Gymnasium because of a simple mistake. This year, the popular school again received more applicants than places. While Tomke had been given a school place in the spirit of gender equality, the complete opposite has now happened.
Of the 120 places available, 177 children wanted to study at the Sülzer school. A total of 57 families were turned down. This is reported by the “Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger”.
Tomke was lucky and was accepted to the school. But the celebrations were premature! The school had categorized its gender-neutral name as male. When Tomke and her family pointed out that Tomke was a girl, disaster struck. On the orders of the district government, the coveted place was withdrawn.
The insidious thing about it is that the school’s admission criteria are a balanced ratio of girls and boys. However, with Tomke, due to the school’s error, 61 girls and only 59 boys would have been accepted, which would have upset the balance.
But the dilemma did not end there. All the boys who had not been given a place suddenly received an offer after they had lodged an appeal against their rejection within the deadline.
The reason? Because of Tomke, these boys would have had less of a chance in the lottery, which is why four additional places were created at short notice. Tomke, who was not responsible for the error, came away empty-handed.
Although the distribution of places should have been balanced, the school’s mistake has now resulted in a surplus of boys.
Olaf Wittrock, spokesman for the parents’ initiative “The Rejected”, pointed out that the case shows the madness of the process. Headmaster Georg Scheferhoff stressed how much the schools’ hands are tied. (red)
This text from the Kölner Express was created with the support of artificial intelligence (AI) and edited and checked by the editorial team (Adnan Akyüz). More information about the Express’s rules for dealing with AI I can be found here .
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The original of this article “Cologne girl is denied a place in school because she is not a boy” comes from Express.de.