Fashion Label Odeeh Little Happiness
Fashion Label Odeeh Little Happiness

Maybe the German fashion just to long to the wrong role models. “We are small and, thus, successfully”, says Jörg Ehrlich, Odeeh one half of the Designer Duo. That would be a good Motto for the Berlin fashion week has just come to an end: to be small, but happy and made to feel not big and unhappy.

Alfons Kaiser

editor responsible for the Department “Germany and the world,” and the Frankfurter Allgemeine Magazin.

F. A. Z. Facebook

Since then, the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week in 2007, the brands started, half the fashion world of Berlin fun: to unknown, the fashion for market niches made to Look rather embarrassing, but limitless. Thus it is necessary to have no charisma, such as London, Milan or Paris: You just have to believe the champagne glass half full and not half empty.

Jörg Honestly need to know. He has long worked with his Partner Otto Drögsler for the German brand René Lezard. “If you are in a large company, then you need to discuss more, and everything takes longer.”

“Maybe we should focus on our Strengths”

Since then, the two have founded nine years ago, Odeeh, it is uncomplicated: “We are small and fast and flexible,” says Ehrlich. And: “We are not burdened by the past and able to move easily” – a reference to the list of the 20 largest fashion companies in the world, among those with Adidas, a German company.


“Maybe we should focus on other Strengths than to Big,” says Achim Berg, the luxury specialist of McKinsey & co., A German Chanel, or Gucci is in sight – and would also be impossible. “Today you have to inspire the people to buy fashion,” says Berg, who does not believe that you can build through Social Media presence of a brand – an important note for Berlin’s young designers, who keep their Instagram Followers for a hard currency.

In Odeeh it works also through personal commitment. Again and again the two designers visit the shops that sell your designs. On the big show don’t give up yet: you have opened the Fashion Week with a spectacular Show. Such a parade, which many consider in Instagram-times to be superfluous, is very important, says Ehrlich, because it emotionalizes the brand, a lot of potential customers reached – and beautiful photos produced.

Now you can sell your fashion, stands in strong patterns and reasonable prices, in 180 Department stores and boutiques. Very small you no longer even with 20 employees. But that’s how big they were, because they were in charge of the spotlight on your niche. Unlike many Berlin-based designers who wanted to be big and has stopped operation.