resim 77
resim 77

It is a document that accompanies the life of your household, from your union to your death. It contains all the information on the civil status of the members of your nuclear family, and it is updated on the occasion of each event: birth, marriage, death, etc.

But the family book will soon change version! Several family law reforms will be incorporated into a new model of this important paper, which will be issued shortly. It is a decree, published on May 3, 2022, which sets the rules. The document will thus be modified in these two parts: civil status and information relating to civil status and family law.

Concretely, the overhaul will take into account the new provisions on medically assisted procreation (PMA), the choice of name, adoption, the identity of children born dead and the death certificate of adult children, specifies the site. of public service.

For women who have had recourse to MAP to have a child, filiation will now be established, in the booklet, with regard to the woman who gives birth according to the birth certificate.

For the other woman, filiation will be established by the joint recognition of the child by a notary, beforehand. It will therefore be necessary to anticipate so that the newborn is recognized by both mothers.

In response to the new law on adoption, it will now also be possible for couples over 26, PACS or cohabiting couples who have been living together for more than a year, to include their adopted children.

Another change concerns the name change. Indeed, a recent law allows an adult child to change his family name, choosing that of his mother, his father, or both.

The new family book will also make it possible to include a stillborn child, as well as to register the death certificate of an adult child.

This new model should be distributed by the municipalities as soon as they have sold out the stocks of the old version.