Family and next of kin Band Our loved ones are in a safe and secure environment but perished
Family and next of kin Band Our loved ones are in a safe and secure environment but perished

A local Brussels –

for Nine years, 7 months, and 6 days after the train accident from the Band calculations by a relative, as none of the three defendants, the NMBS / sncb, Infrabel, neither a train driver, Robin, V. B. (40), is guilty of the collision, which is 19 lives. “Our loved ones are in, which, according to them, at least in a safe area, but were killed”, when Panayotis Andronikos (69), the father of the killed This with four days of arguments in a painful way.

“We can only hope that the courts, at least those responsible for the collision, it will indicate,” added the sister of the victim, Philippe Vanden Eynde says.

“There’s not a day goes by without me thinking of that day, that is your and my life is forever changed,” said driver, V. B., in his last words to the victims of the disaster. “I sometimes have the impression that I was the ideal culprit in the inquiry as and when required. However, I am still confident that I’m not in the red light ride.”

in order For him or her, the public prosecutor’s office, suddenly the door just a little bit to put in a statement of guilt, with the remission of the punishment in the place of a person has been sentenced to 3 years of deferment. But for the sncb / NMBS and Infrabel will remain in the strafeis, respectively, 600,000 and 500,000 euro fine, with no delay. A decision on the 3 of december.