Face recognition Taylor Swift has scanned your audience
Face recognition Taylor Swift has scanned your audience

Brad Smith has reported in the summer of this year with a remarkable contribution to word. He is notable because he weighs opportunities and risks of new technologies and the policy will be asked to define rules and boundaries. And he is notable because he comes from Brad Smith, the President and chief legal officer of Microsoft.

Michael Hanfeld

responsible editor for the features section Online and “media”.

F. A. Z.

Smith spoke to the use of Software for facial recognition. These technologies, Smith said, “raise questions that the protection of fundamental human rights like privacy and freedom of expression”, you demanded a “thought-out state regulation and then to develop standards for the acceptable use of”.

the Prime example that underlines the urgency of his questions, is likely to Smith knew nothing. The was already on 18. In may of this year, but only now through a Search of the magazine “Rolling Stone” publication. 18. In may, the pop singer Taylor Swift was at the Rose Bowl Stadium in Pasadena, a concert in front of ninety thousand spectators. This video of Taylor swift’s ran on a screen samples.

Who on the screen looked up, his face was covered by a camera, whose images were cross-checked with a database in Nashville, the stored faces of the stalkers who had re-enacted the pop singer in the past. The Fans knew nothing of this, the dragnet, held in Secret. Why, the Management of Taylor Swift, the representation is not contradicted not want to reveal, at the request of the “Rolling Stone”.

What is the use of new technologies such as this regards, said Jay Stanley of the non-governmental organization American Civil Liberties Union in an interview with the Guardian, ruled the wild West methods. In the far East, the Chinese government is known to have been on a country-wide biometric Monitoring. Amazon sells American authorities, a facial recognition service called “Rekognition”. Apple has filed for his device to the Patent, “Face ID” properties, the access via facial recognition.