Face detection Amazon prohibits US police use of Software
Face detection Amazon prohibits US police use of Software

Controversial face-recognition – Amazon prohibits US police use of Software of the US Internet giant Amazon is to suspend the cooperation with the police in the case of the face detection for a year. Repeatedly, the group had been criticized, because its Software make more errors when faces with a different skin color than white. Face detection: Amazon no longer provides its Software to the US police for the time being available. (Icon image)keystone-sda.chDer group hope that the US Congress is at this time on a regulating could right some of the framework for the technology, said Amazon.Keystone is only the beginning of the week, IBM had announced in the business with face-recognition Software to completely withdraw. The Computer group said he would not allow that technology for mass surveillance, racial discrimination or human rights are used to injuries, it said in a letter.KEYSTONE1 / 3

The U.S. Internet giant Amazon, the police will not want to make his face detection software for a year. The group hope that the US Congress is at this time on a regulating could right some of the framework for the technology, said Amazon in the night to Thursday.

You’ll make the Software with the name “Rekognition” but still, for example, is available for organizations that are looking for missing children, the victims of people could become dealers.

IBM has already

withdrawn Until the beginning of the week, IBM had announced in the business with face-recognition Software to completely withdraw The Computer group said he would not allow that technology for mass surveillance, racial discrimination or human rights are used to injuries, it said in a letter to U.S. members.

Amazon have fought for stronger regulation on the part of the government for an ethical use of facial recognition technologies, said the Online retailer. The “Rekognition”Software is developed for Amazon’s Cloud, a subsidiary of AWS.

Amazon has its policy changed

so Far, Amazon defended its use of the police, even after the researchers after a test had criticised series, that the program will make more errors when faces with a different skin color than white Amazon boss Jeff Bezos had already spoken out in the autumn for a regulation of the technology.

Microsoft calls for 2018 – and at the same time is also a relevant supplier of facial recognition Software. The American police authorities but also other Alternatives.

the company Clearview provided at the beginning of the year caused a sensation, wearing just a database of millions of publicly available photos of Online services and, among other things, police authorities can access it. Google does not shy away meanwhile, for years before that, the technology for facial recognition to offer or make available to the public. Some US cities such as San Francisco, under the use of face detection said.