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Humans will detect extraterrestrial life “within the next 100 years”. Didier Queloz, a physicist from the University of Cambridge, said after the 2019 Nobel Prize in Physics ceremony that he is convinced that these creatures exist and that they will come into contact with human beings in the years to come. coming.

Yet researchers have been searching for signs of extraterrestrial life in the universe for decades. Unfortunately, they haven’t given anything yet. This puzzle is known as the Fermi paradox. So, are there any plausible reasons for this unsolved mystery?

Didier Queloz, rewarded for his discovery of the first exoplanet orbiting a star similar to the Sun, expressed his convictions during a conference at the Science Media Center in London: “I can’t believe that we “We’re the only living entity in the universe. There are way too many planets, way too many stars… The chemistry that led to life has to happen somewhere else.”

The man is also not the only one to think so. Indeed, researchers have come up with many hypotheses and potential answers to the Italian-American physicist’s question, reports Business Insider.

For some scientists, aliens deliberately hibernate or not show up. For others, these possible civilizations existing or having already existed would have had access to very advanced technology and that they would have self-destructed before having had the possibility of coming into contact with other forms of intelligent life in the world. ‘universe.

Or they just don’t want to communicate with Earth, because we are neither a threat nor a very intellectually advanced population. Finally, it could be that the aliens have communicated or sent a message in the direction of the blue planet, but that the men have not yet received anything…

In his recent book “End Times: A Brief Guide to the End of the World,” science author Bryan Walsh discusses 13 theories that attempt to explain why these creatures haven’t contacted us yet and why we may never return. never in contact with them.