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resim 173

You often have to sit for long periods of time on a plane. To ensure that your vacation doesn’t turn into a horror scenario, your sitting posture on board is extremely important – especially when it comes to your legs. Because you should never overlap these. There are a few reasons for that too.

The legroom on the plane is limited. Experts recommend moving around on long flights – but many passengers ignore this. There are several reasons for this: you don’t want to disturb the person sitting next to you in the aisle, you’re too lazy or the film is too exciting.

When you arrive at your destination, you usually get a nasty surprise: your feet and legs are stiff and your shoes are tight. This can quickly ruin your vacation.

Sitting for long periods of time slows blood flow. The blood accumulates in the legs and feet – this is mainly due to gravity.

In addition, the blood becomes thicker due to the dry air in the plane. Swollen thighs and ankles are usually the result.

However, such a horror scenario can be avoided – if you pay attention to a few things. On long-haul flights you should always move briefly – if it is allowed. As long as the seat belt signs are not on, you are allowed to move freely on the plane. This gets the blood flowing.

However, you can also move your feet while sitting down. You can do this by rocking your feet up and down. You can also move your toes over and over again. In First Class, you can also put your legs up.

The most important thing is not to cross your legs. Otherwise the blood circulation will be disrupted and the veins will be squeezed. Crossed legs also increase the risk of thrombosis and varicose veins.

There is no scientific evidence for this, but experts strongly advise against it. Instead, it’s better to stretch your legs.

And for another reason: crossed legs during takeoff and landing are a high health risk. If there is an abrupt braking or turbulence, the forces can cause arms and legs to break or you to hit the front seat.

That would have fatal consequences. By the way: Even tight clothing can pinch the veins – so it’s better to wear looser clothes.

The original for this article “You should never cross your legs on a plane” comes from KUKKSI.