The Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) rejects the accusation of extremism by CDU leader Friedrich Merz as “naive”. “Is peace and social justice now left-wing extremist?” says Christian Leye, General Secretary of the BSW, to WELT. “I consider the market radicalism of the former BlackRock manager Merz and his extreme stance on arms deliveries to be dangerous.”

On Monday, Merz rejected cooperation with the BSW, which had achieved double-digit results in the European elections in Thuringia, Saxony and Brandenburg: “That is absolutely clear, we have always said that. We do not work with such right-wing extremist and left-wing extremist parties.” In the ARD “Brennpunkt” he said with reference to the chairwoman Sahra Wagenknecht: “She is right-wing extremist on some issues, but left-wing extremist on others.”

The BSW Secretary General believes that the rejection of a coalition between the CDU and the BSW is wrong. “It’s not as if we are desperately wanting a government constellation with the CDU,” says Leye WELT. Under Merz in particular, the Christian Democrats “stand for more arms deliveries and less welfare state,” says the BSW Secretary General. “But even a Mr. Merz must recognize the political realities in East Germany.”

After the state elections in the autumn, there could be state parliaments consisting of three parties. The AfD is currently leading the polls, followed by the CDU.

“Out of responsibility for the country, the CDU may have to decide what is more important,” says Leye. “Its ideology or simple mathematical truths regarding the formation of a majority.”