EU survey the balance sheet as geeky As Europeans are
EU survey the balance sheet as geeky As Europeans are

Big Data, Artificial intelligence (AI), social media, the Internet of things and cyber security – all of which changed the world in which we live and work. However, an estimated 56 percent of Europeans, more than half, there is, apparently, to the basic digital competences in this digital maze is reasonably safe to move. The signs, at least as an intermediate result of a two-part survey, which had been launched in six different European languages of the EU-project “travel arch” (see below), and various national media such as El País, The Standard, Les Èchos, Irish Times, Il Sole24ore, Público, Euro scientist, F. A. Z., as well as the Elsevier publishing house.

The data collection contains the results of the anonymous Online survey game“iNerd“, which had been developed by travel arch in Brussels. Four different topics were dealt with: Big Data, and AI, Internet of things, cyber security and the protection of privacy, as well as social and new media. Overall, participating in the 9000 Europeans, who wanted to find out whether you belong to with their digital skills more in the category of “Steve Jobs” or “Mr. Bean”.

The Online game”iNerd” is still active, and can also be in the German language played (here).