Espionage case Iran denies Links to German armed forces consultant
Espionage case Iran denies Links to German armed forces consultant

Iran has denied to have Connections to an Afghanistan-born German armed forces-members of spying for Tehran. There is no reference to the said mililtär adviser, was quoted by the state news Agency Irna on Saturday, a spokesman for the Iranian foreign Ministry. The arrest of the cultural adviser of the force was, however, part of the efforts to affect the relations between the European Union (EU) and the Islamic Republic.

The U.S. attorney’s office had the 50-year-old Language analysts of the German Bundeswehr on Tuesday in the Rhineland. Abdul Hamid S. was strongly suspected to have knowledge of an Iranian intelligence passed on, said the authority in Karlsruhe. The Bundeswehr uses in a frequently used native Afghans as interpreters and cultural intermediaries to accompany the soldiers on patrols and communication with the Locals. “Spiegel online” reported that the Suspect had worked for several years for the Iranian secret service, and access to sensitive information of the force had. The arrest warrant against him was already on 6. December of last year, has been adopted.