Escalation on the Korean Peninsula The hope for relaxation in dense Smoke
Escalation on the Korean Peninsula The hope for relaxation in dense Smoke

Escalation on the Korean Peninsula, The hope for relaxation in dense Smoke to North Korea, the intra-Korea has blown up a niche liaison office in the border town of Kaesong. It is the most serious crisis in years between the two countries.Thomas Hahn from Tokio1 Kommentar1Südkoreanische soldiers near the demilitarized Zone.Photo: Chung Sung-Jun ()

North Korea’s government was the Liaison office between the Korean exchange in the border town of Kaesong around ten to three on Tuesday afternoon blow up. Soon after, the image of the mighty column of smoke, the about the North Korean site of the offices of ascent circulated in the media. It is symbolic: The hope of a lasting relaxation of tension between North and South Korea went up in thick Smoke.
North Korea’s state news Agency, KCNA hailed an “incredible Explosion” and reported to the competent authority of the Communist regime had implemented “the measure of the complete destruction of the North-South liaison offices in the industrial zone of Kaesong in the act”. In Seoul, President of South Korea, Moon Jae met-in with the highest security officials. The blue house, moon’s headquarters, said: “The government makes it clear that the responsibility for everything that follows, is entirely on the side of the North.”

< p > the fortress of the approach

Tuesday was a sad day for all of that time thought that the fruitful negotiations between Moon Jae-in, and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un a new Phase in the relationship of the two Korea’s launch could. The Liaison office was a Symbol of this optimism. It was one of the agreements, on the Moon and Kim in Panmunjom Declaration of 27. April 2018 had been agreed. In September it was opened. Inter-Korean projects should arise. It was intended as a meeting place for talks between the North and the South, as a small fortress in the approach. South Korea’s government invested 9.7 billion Won, 7.5 million francs in the modernization of the building.

“fabulous Explosion”: After the blast, smoke rises over the North Korean site of the liaison office.Photo: Keystone

In its glass facade, a plaque was attached, which showed the plan of the United Korea – this was no small sign of two brother countries, for the Korean war is officially still not finished, because in 1953, came to the end of the bloody hostilities, not a peace Treaty. Since January, the office was closed due to the Coronavirus. In the Explosion the building was empty. North Korea’s Regime wanted to kill anybody, but an unmistakable sign that it is a continuation of the relationship is dissatisfied.

The sister of the dictator

threatening North Korea for almost two weeks, almost daily, to the expression. Due to the fact that South Korea, an agreement of Panmunjom-does not comply with the Declaration’s official: Seoul is taken from Pyongyangs point of view, strictly enough against Defectors, who leave on the border in helium-filled balloons with regime-critical texts are on the rise. The series of hostile speeches began with the threat, virtually all of the common agreements to terminate. Kim Yo-jong, the sister, and Propaganda Officer of the head of state, Kim Jong-un, submitted the warnings. Last week boycotted North Korea’s authorities, the diplomatic and military phone links with the South.

Kim Jong-un had expected from the relaxation more than pious reconciliation projects.

On Saturday, finally, Kim Yo-jong appeared in the newspaper “Rodong Sinmun”, the organ of the workers party read Central. She referred to South Korea as “enemy” and warned against a military action. The destruction of the Liaison office took them as already anticipated with the sentence: “In short, a tragic scene from the complete collapse of South-North liaison office will be seen.” Three days later, the Regime showed with the blasting, that it makes his threats true.

In reality, it is not only the few activists whose balloons did not reach the North often at all. Kim Jong-un had expected from the relaxation of the internal-Korean relationship, obviously more than pious reconciliation projects. Since 2018, he had a much publicized Meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump. But because he does not want to give up its nuclear weapons, burden of international sanctions, the ailing economy of his country. “North Korea needs money,” says Andrei Lankov, Director of the independent research company of Korea Risk Group, “it is expected economic and financial assistance – exactly what is not wanted to give the South Koreans.” So, North Korea pressure makes, in his own way. Lankov expects further destruction of the South Korean-owned, North Korean base. He believes that the tourist zone on mount Kumgang in danger.

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