Epstein abuse scandal armed to Prince Andrew escalates
Epstein abuse scandal armed to Prince Andrew escalates

Epstein-abuse scandal – armed to Prince Andrew eskaliertDer son of the Queen is set by the lawyers of the victims under pressure. Also, the U.S. Department of justice, required by the 60-Year-old is a binding cooperation in the scandal, Jeffrey Epstein.Prince Andrew is set by American lawyers under strong pressure.(Keystone/AP/16. November 2019)

In the Epstein-abuse scandal escalated the dispute between the US legal representatives and the British Prince Andrew. Victims attorney Gloria Allred urged the 60-year-old son of the Queen on Tuesday to say under oath, “the truth”.

The Prince was worthy of hardly believe, said the lawyer, the British BBC. It represents some of the women in the scandal of the 2019 deceased American businessman Jeffrey Epstein. “The victims have a right to the truth. All of this is very painful for you.”

Prince Andrew was friends with Epstein. Also, the Royal will be embroiled in the scandal. The American Virginia Giuffre accuses the Duke of York, to have you as minors abused.

Andrews lawyers had not complained on Monday in a sharply worded Letter about allegations from the United States, the Royal was cooperative in the investigation of the abuse scandal. The Prince had offered the U.S. Department of justice, at least three times this year, his support as a witness. In addition, you had been by the US authorities assured that the Royal had never been the target of the investigation, but volunteer to help.

The accusation of the public Prosecutor

The New York state attorney Geoffrey Berman rejected the allegations of the lawyers on Monday evening. Prince Andrew trying again, wrongly, as a cooperative display, it said in a statement. He didn’t say yet, Ask rejected a survey and about four months ago about the same lawyers align, that he was for a survey not available. “If Prince Andrew is really seriously interested in cooperating with the ongoing investigation, then our doors are open, and we expect a communication about when we can expect it.”

The second oldest son of Elizabeth II (94) appears hardly in Public. He gave up after a botched BBC Interview, in which he spoke to the head and the collar of his Royal duties for the time being. For months, he is because of his friendship with Epstein in the criticism. The multi-millionaire had taken in a New York prison last August the life. He had abused dozens of minors abused and forced into Prostitution.

Virginia Giuffre accuses the son of the Queen, to have you as minors abused.(Keystone/AP/Bebeto Matthews/27. August 2019)

The Prince was often an overnight guest at Epstein, in whose property in the United States and the Caribbean. From the machinations of his friend, he wants nothing to hear. The Royal said, to all the competent investigating authorities help.

when will speak of the Prince?

Andrew is supposed to be the favorite son of Queen Elizabeth II. At the beginning of the accusations, and about the journey to worship, even ostentatiously, laughing next to him. The past is the past.

among the favorites of the people, Andrew never. Affairs and unskillful behavior on the political stage, such as when he defended in the middle of the economic crisis, bankers bonuses, run like a red thread through his life. The British press mocked him because of his Flirts as “Randy Andy” (Horny Andy).

when will Express itself Andrew well? The victim-a lawyer, Allred tried months ago with a US school bus that drove by several times at Buckingham Palace in London, put pressure on him to build. On the vehicle, a large poster, on which was wrote savagely: “If you see this man, then you ask him, the FBI call in to answer questions.” In addition, images of the Prince were to be seen.

Also Giuffre, the accused Andrew of abuse, tried it with unusual means. “Tick-tock, Andy – it’s time to talk!!”, she tweeted, for example. “Do the Right thing – and if not for me, then for the countless other Epstein victims, have a right to know the truth!”. Including a search was a poster with a photo of the Royals and the question: “Have you ever seen this Prince?”